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Ltu spec ops Aitvaras Lietuva

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Código BATTLEFIELD 4, Hardline
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Importando um emblema
  1. Faça o login em BF4 Battlelog.
  2. Visite a página de personalizar o emblema.
  3. Clique no botão "+ ADICIONAR" para criar um novo emblema em branco.
  4. Abra o console do browser (Ctrl-Shift-J para o Chrome, Ctrl-Shift-K para o Firefox, Ctrl-Shift-I para o Opera, F12 para o IE).
  5. Cole o código abaixo no console e tecle Enter, tendo certeza de que você selecionou todo o texto desde emblem.emblem.load até o último ponto-e-vírgula. (You will get the emblem loaded with all its layers)
  6. Feche o console.
  7. Clique no botão "SALVAR & USAR" no canto superior direito.
emblem.emblem.load({ "objects": [ { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 163.75 "height": 261.03349669 "width": 216 "asset": "Shield" "selectable": false "left": 161.25 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 0.77 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 163.8760392732 "height": 243.00207854630003 "width": 193.99999999999997 "asset": "Shield" "selectable": false "left": 161.49999999999997 "fill": "#827B00" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 359.65366485006956 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 119.5796142257318 "height": 165.34934739310557 "width": 39.40040629829632 "asset": "Flames" "selectable": true "left": 159.07318178545773 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 359.65366485006956 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 122.50169236877336 "height": 159.50155763239874 "width": 36.27168548173626 "asset": "Flames" "selectable": false "left": 159.38256618284635 "fill": "#FEC20C" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 359.65366485006956 "flipX": true "flipY": false "top": 164.06573244038967 "height": 123.11758502451029 "width": 26.859077680118446 "asset": "Flames" "selectable": false "left": 160.93940852755367 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 359.65366485006956 "flipX": true "flipY": false "top": 166.44702429472778 "height": 114.10783949803881 "width": 21.866724840332594 "asset": "Flames" "selectable": false "left": 160.95380287078854 "fill": "#FF0000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 359.65366485006956 "flipX": true "flipY": false "top": 185.25167782475995 "height": 68.9453934728472 "width": 13.212150494753025 "asset": "Flames" "selectable": false "left": 158.54250661998458 "fill": "#F26522" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": true "flipY": false "top": 193.4695387579895 "height": 41.93907751597905 "width": 99.37169984325863 "asset": "Banner" "selectable": false "left": 160.25007256239164 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 232.5529689623922 "height": 59.10593792478437 "width": 18.75 "asset": "Stroke" "selectable": false "left": 160.625 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": true "flipY": false "top": 195.4129921074 "height": 34.0330818981 "width": 88.6985568519 "asset": "Banner" "selectable": false "left": 160.3492784259 "fill": "#FEC20C" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 186.91480004043487 "height": 21.373639794519683 "width": 27.22875895937442 "asset": "Explosion" "selectable": false "left": 161.76139933651217 "fill": "#790000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 256.25 "height": 17.425491429770606 "width": 38.1995085702294 "asset": "Eye" "selectable": false "left": 160.89950651633518 "fill": "#000000" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 256.24848130841116 "height": 14.996962616822389 "width": 32.875778816199386 "asset": "Eye" "selectable": false "left": 160.8128894080997 "fill": "#FEC20C" } { "opacity": 1 "angle": 0 "flipX": false "flipY": false "top": 232.62500000000003 "height": 59.250000000000014 "width": 15.5568875183 "asset": "Stroke" "selectable": false "left": 160.77844375909999 "fill": "#FEC20C" } ] });